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작성자 사진Metal_Scrapper

하계 휴양 캠프

How was your #summer #vacation ? 🌞🌈 DongWha rented the resort🏡 near sea 🏄for 20 days to let employees can use it for #free 🎁🎂 Because This #summer is the #worst😡 in 110 years, DongWha wants to our people to take a #break 💆

About 150 people ( Dongwha employees and their family) used and quite #satisfied with it.💃🌸 #Next Year We will do it #again. 💕💖

여름 휴가는 다들 어떠셨나요? :)

동화산업은 을왕리에 위치한 엘림비치존 객실을 약 한달간 빌려서 임직원분들께 무료 대여및

워크샵을 가졌습니다. 적극적인 참여 감사드립니다


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